The above video is a quick camera phone demo of two different muscle ups with the gymnastic rings. This video will assist you in understanding the two different variations and their purpose.
Scene 1 – Strict Form technique with a L Sit
Scene 2 – Kipping technique
Muscle Ups - Difference between variations
You will notice the kipping variation looks much more athletic than the strict form variation, however, the strict form muscle up is far more difficult and requires a lot of strength. This is because the kipping technique is all about using momentum by swinging into position, therefore the strength component is lower.
I may have only been able to squeeze out 1 more maybe another 2 at the max with the strict form muscle up, but with the kipping… many.
I don’t practice this exercise in my training and rarely teach it, but a client wanted to learn it so I put this demo together.
Do I Need to Learn how to do a Muscle Up?
How to Achieve a Muscle Up
Muscle ups use a special grip technique whereby you suspend yourself on the rings on your wrist/palm, so that your hands are not actually clasping the rings. This grip allows you to transition from a pull to a dip.
Before even thinking about muscle ups I would achieve the strength to do at least 10 pull ups and 15 or more body weight dips.